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Copyright & Usage 

PUTTING RACISM ON THE TABLE™ videos may be distributed and viewed without prior permission from Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers (WRAG) so long as: 1) the videos are not edited or otherwise altered; and 2) there is no monetary charge or other direct monetary gain associated with the use of the videos. WRAG expressly prohibits copying, reproducing, distributing, transmitting, publishing, displaying, performing, modifying, creating derivative works from, and otherwise using the videos or any parts thereof, for direct monetary gain (except upon obtaining express, prior permission and terms from WRAG).

To obtain permission from WRAG to use the Putting Racism on the Table™ videos for a fee-based purpose, click here.

Questions about using Putting Racism on the Table™ videos should be directed to:

Rebekah Seder
Senior Program Manager

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